Monday 27 May 2019

Masterpiece Academy Final Question Essay

As learning through my masterpiece, I espoused learning in this course. In this course, I received a great deal of choice in this course, and learning that fiction that the lie that tell the truth. Also, I have my own passion, receiving that makes me feel laugh out loud, and themes that are very common to know. Finally, I have the hero’s journey and literary technique. My growth in this course that portrays me as a dynamic protagonist is receiving a  high level of trust, characters in stories became a part of my journey, reconnecting with my own passion, having a feeling that make me laugh and smile, the communication technique that have strike me with a very common topic that is very important, continuing my process going through the hero’s journey, and sneaking through the literary techniques that I have learn throughout this course.

    First of all, I have received a high level of trust, having characters in stories became a part of my journey, and reconnecting with our passion. Me and other the students in this course have been treated as colleagues and we deserve to be treated this way. All of the students should earn and honor this opportunity because all of us have to make Dr. Preston believe how we manage our time in class from the way we do our work. In this course, I have read many stories, and the characters in those stories are part of my journey. The first character that was part of my journey course Gatsby from “The Great Gatsby” because he was stress with love just like me. I have learn that he tried so hard to get the girl of his dreams to be with him and wanted a second chance to be together that he loved the most, but love doesn’t always end up that way. The Mentor from “Conscience of Hacker” is part of my journey because I question the world everyday from why we do something that can treat every person differently. The Mentor gets treated in a negative way because they are a hacker, but they have a reason why they became a hacker in the first place. John from “Brave New World” is a part of my journey because he wants “their” world to change just like the Mentor, but suicide isn’t the best answer for me in this course. I feel like it’s best to go through the pain and build up from your mistakes that you did, but killing yourself is never the best thing to do. I have received a high level of trust and having characters in stories became a part of my journey because I proved myself from what I have been given and choose the people whether they are real, or not to be with me in my life.

    Second, I have reconnect with my own passion, I tried to have a feeling that make me laugh and smile, the communication technique that have strike me with a very common topic that is very important. As I reconnecting with my own passion, it has driven me towards art. I am still at the process at reconnecting with art by finding my own style of art and having fun by learning my mistakes. I am saying this truthfully in this course because nothing made me laugh out loud about literature. Cynthia, Andrea, Kevin, Misael, and Gladyz communication techniques have strike me with a very common topic thats is very important is way we all behave in this world. For Cynthia, her topic is about how abuse can change someone, and the process from changing someone by abusing them is making them feel annoy towards the people you loved to be around with. For Andrea, her topic is about the way people are, and our brain, we have “anterior cingulate cortex” that is the use of our empathy, decision-making, and the impulse of control and emotions. For Kevin, his topic is about a person committing suicide, and that person has their main reason why they want to commit suicide is depression, crying out for help, and having a feeling that they have the desire to die. For Misael, his topic is about someone killing another person, and one of the main reasons is intoxicated because people drink alcohol and use drugs a lot, but during the process of doing that, they will eventually can’t control themselves. For Gladyz, her topic is about people using drugs. As she was finding opinions for people from they are using drugs because they want to forget about stuff that is happening, peers pressure, and searching for pleasure. While I have reconnect with my own passion, I tried to have a feeling that make me laugh and smile, the communication technique that have strike me with a very common topic that is very important because we as people, we are the ones who control our emotions and what to do to ourselves.

    Finally, I have continue my process going through the hero’s journey, and sneaking through the literary techniques that I have learn throughout this course. I am a hero in the hero’s journey. I would respond to the call of this adventure by the process by surviving through my junior year so far and having family problems at home. I think I’m a mentor because I’m the one controlling myself from what I’m doing. Also, I believe my mentors are my family, friends, and teachers because they will always be the ones guiding from what I’m doing. My process to conquer a challenge is finishing my hardest class which is physics. For myself by having a return of enlightened is learning different ways how each teachers teach here at Santa Maria High School. While I was sneaking through the literary technique, I have learn throughout this course. Dynamic character is a literary that means changes throughout the story. Two other literary terms are falling action and flashback which means the part of the plot where questions are answer and the past from the timeline. While continuing my process going through the hero’s journey, and sneaking through the literary techniques that I have learn throughout this course, I have really change so much throughout my journey.

    My growth in this course that portrays me as a dynamic protagonist. I proved myself from what I have been given and choose the people whether they are real, or not to be with me in my life. We as people, we are the ones who control our emotions and what to do to ourselves. I have really change so much throughout my journey.

Thesis Statement: “Thesis Statement.” Thesis Statement, Abigail Ardenio, 25 May 2019,
Elements: “Including Elements.” Including Elements, Abigail Ardenio, 24 May 2019,

Saturday 25 May 2019

Thesis Statement

I have really change so much throughout my journey.

Image result for spongebob imagination

I proved myself from what I have been given and choose the people whether they are real, or not to be with me in my life.

Image result for prove

Image result for friendship

We as people, we are the ones who control our emotions and what to do to ourselves.

Image result for emotions
Image result for controlling yourself

Friday 24 May 2019

Including Elements

ELEMENT 1: You have been treated as colleagues and you have been given a great deal of choice in this course; this represents a high level of trust.  Did you and the others deserve it? Earn it? Honor it?
Me and other the students in this course have been treated as colleagues and we deserve to be treated this way. All of the students should earn and honor this opportunity because all of us have to make Dr. Preston believe how we manage our time in class from the way we do our work. In this course, I have read many stories, and the characters in those stories are part of my journey.

ELEMENT 2: Fiction has been called "the lie that tells the truth."  Which works, authors, or characters did you read this year that rang true enough to make you feel like they described parts of you and/or your journey? (Please mention at least three.  It makes them sad when we forget them.)
The first character that was part of my journey course Gatsby from “The Great Gatsby” because he was stress with love just like me. I have learn that he tried so hard to get the girl of his dreams to be with him and wanted a second chance to be together that he loved the most, but love doesn’t always end up that way. The Mentor from “Conscience of Hacker” is part of my journey because I question the world everyday from why we do something that can treat every person differently. The Mentor gets treated in a negative way because they are a hacker, but they have a reason why they became a hacker in the first place. John from “Brave New World” is a part of my journey because he wants “their” world to change just like the Mentor, but suicide isn’t the best answer for me in this course. I feel like it’s best to go through the pain and build up from your mistakes that you did, but killing yourself is never the best thing to do.

ELEMENT 3: Have you re/connected with a passion that drives you?  If so, how will you continue your learning? If not, how will you proceed?
As I reconnecting with my own passion, it has driven me towards art. I am still at the process at reconnecting with art by finding my own style of art and having fun by learning my mistakes.

ELEMENT 4: [Something about literature or this course that made you laugh out loud.]
I am saying this truthfully in this course because nothing made me laugh out loud about literature.

ELEMENT 5: [A unifying theme that runs through a minimum of five (5) presentations; a quality of the content, or the speakers, or their communication techniques that strikes you as something important that we have in common.]  Please illustrate/support your point with specific examples from the presentations.
Cynthia, Andrea, Kevin, Misael, and Gladyz communication techniques have strike me with a very common topic thats is very important is way we all behave in this world. For Cynthia, her topic is about how abuse can change someone, and the process from changing someone by abusing them is making them feel annoy towards the people you loved to be around with. For Andrea, her topic is about the way people are, and our brain, we have “anterior cingulate cortex” that is the use of our empathy, decision-making, and the impulse of control and emotions. For Kevin, his topic is about a person committing suicide, and that person has their main reason why they want to commit suicide is depression, crying out for help, and having a feeling that they have the desire to die. For Misael, his topic is about someone killing another person, and one of the main reasons is intoxicated because people drink alcohol and use drugs a lot, but during the process of doing that, they will eventually can’t control themselves. For Gladyz, her topic is about people using drugs. As she was finding opinions for people from they are using drugs because they want to forget about stuff that is happening, peers pressure, and searching for pleasure.

ELEMENT 6: Evaluate whether you completed the hero's journey.  Are you a hero? To what extent did you respond to the call of adventure?  Did you find a mentor, conquer a challenge, and return enlightened?
I am a hero in the hero’s journey. I would respond to the call of this adventure by the process by surviving through my junior year so far and having family problems at home. I think I’m a mentor because I’m the one controlling myself from what I’m doing. Also, I believe my mentors are my family, friends, and teachers because they will always be the ones guiding from what I’m doing. My process to conquer a challenge is finishing my hardest class which is physics. For myself by having a return of enlightened is learning different ways how each teachers teach here at Santa Maria High School.

ELEMENT 7: For old time's sake, sneak in a literary technique. Don't make a big deal out of it.  I'll know it's there.
Dynamic Character: changes throughout the story
Falling Action: the part of the plot where questions are answer
Flashback: the past from the timeline

Thursday 9 May 2019

My Best Writing

I have a writer’s conference coming up with Dr. Preston, and I’m excited to go over my blog about “Conscience of a Hacker Essay” and my “SAT Essay Practice”. I chose these two pieces for specific reasons.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Monkey / See / Hear / Do

The learning modalities that are most effective for my Masterpiece Topic is see, hear, and do. I would address seeing by using videos to make my own art style so I can show how I did it. For hearing, I hope everyone listens to me from what I am teaching. For doing, I’m hoping I can do pictionary as game and a competition for everyone to play.

Sunday 5 May 2019

Brave New World Essay

   In Brave New World, Bernard Marx can be a good example of the character who conforms outwardly while questioning inwardly. The tension between the outward conformity and inward questioning contributes from him being an outcast, he is having problems by not dealing with himself from what he is doing, and he has his own mind and beliefs, but he suffers through it. The meaning of the work from these three information can relate to anyone that are going through to anyone in the real world.

    The tension between the outward conformity and inward questioning contributes from him being an outcast. An example from him being an outcast would said, “To have dealings with members of the lower castes was always, for Bernard, a most distressing experience. For whatever the cause (and the current gossip about the alcohol in his blood-surrogate may very likely–for accidents will happen–have been true) Bernard's physique was hardly better than that of the average Gamma,” (Chapter 3). This quote explains Bernard is small for an Alpha. This makes it hard for him to deal with members of lower castes, who are as small as he is, but by design. This is quote is also like slavery. While he is an outcast this said, “This admirable committee man and best mixer had realized quite suddenly that sport, women, communal activities were only, so far as he was concerned, second bests. Really, and at the bottom, he was interested in something else. But in what? In what? That was the problem which Bernard had come to discuss with him,” (Chapter 3). This quote has given an example of how Bernard is different not because he is short and feels inadequate, but because he is a mental giant. He is successful in sports, sex, and community activities- all the activities in which Bernard feels he is a failure. A good quote would say, "Talking about her as though she were a bit of meat." Bernard ground his teeth. "Have her here, have her there." Like mutton. Degrading her to so much mutton. She said she'd think it over, she said she'd give me an answer this week. Oh, Ford, Ford, Ford." He would have liked to go up to them and hit them in the face—hard, again and again,” (Chapter 3). This quote explains that Bernard was angry and annoyed about Foster talking so much about identity because he feels that Lenina is being defined solely by her body as "meat." The tension between the outward conformity and inward questioning contributes from him being an outcast is because he is always keeping his thoughts to himself instead of talking about it to other people.

    The tension between the outward conformity and inward questioning contributes from he is having problems by not dealing with himself from what he is doing. “She looked at Bernard with an expression of rapture, but of rapture in which there was no trace of agitation or excitement–for to be excited is still to be unsatisfied,” (Chapter 3). This quote explains about how Bernard the experience of true rapture that his partners seem to feel. Huxley underlines that this rapture is not the same as excitement, because if you're excited, you're still not satisfied. This feeling is satisfying. Bernard is miserable that he has not achieved it, and thinks the failure must have been his own fault. “Shaking his head, "I actually dream about it sometimes,” (Chapter 6). He is acting different because he is starting to have dreams about Lenina in this quote, but never finds her which means that even he has more individual feelings than the system thinks is good for you. “The group was now complete, the solidarity circle perfect and without flaw. Man, woman, man, in a ring of endless alternation round the table. Twelve of them ready to be made one, waiting to come together, to be fused, to lose their twelve separate identities in a larger being.” This quote explains that Bernard is with a group people that are taking soma, but Bernard doesn’t care about soma. The tension between the outward conformity and inward questioning contributes from he is having problems by not dealing with himself from what he is doing because Bernard is trying very hard not to be a part of the World State, but cannot help but participate in some of its practices.

    The tension between the outward conformity and inward questioning contributes from he has his own mind and beliefs, but he suffers through it. “He took leave of his friend and, hailing a taxi on the roof told the man to fly to the Fordson Community Singery. The machine rose a couple of hundred metres, then headed eastwards, and as it turned, there before Bernard's eyes, gigantically beautiful, was the Singery,” (Chapter 5).  This explains that Bernard fakes his feelings of “wonderfulness” to please the people at the Fordson Community Singery. Bernard is not conformed with his world, but is unsure of how to battle it out just like many of us human beings want to be a part of society, but do not want to be dragged in to peer pressure. The tension between the outward conformity and inward questioning contributes from he has his own mind and beliefs, but he suffers through it because Bernard is one of us, confused and fighting.

   The meaning of the work from these three information can relate to anyone that are going through to anyone in the real world. The information can be find from Bernard is always keeping his thoughts to himself instead of talking about it to other people, trying very hard not to be a part of the World State, but cannot help but participate in some of its practices, and has his own mind and beliefs, but he suffers through it because Bernard is one of us, confused and fighting.

Thursday 2 May 2019

The End of A Brave New World

After Helmholtz and Bernard are exiled, John runs to the lighthouse. When he gets to the lighthouse, he grabs a whip. He uses the whip to hurt himself. He is hurting himself because he wants to get rid of Lenina in his mind. All he wanted is to be alone by himself, but something happen. While John was hurting himself, he noticed that someone else was there with him. John realized that it a photographer taking pictures of him. After that happen, the pictures starting to spread.

Two ideas that I read about the “Brave New World” is that not everyone can change and it can be hurt to be yourself.

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Ignite Talk

My masterpiece is about art and I love doing it. I have been watching animations from “Avengers: Endgame” and Youtube. I learned about the effects and quality as I was looking over the animations. The connections that I have seen between me and this course is the details of how authors love to do special details in their stories, but I don’t care about those special details because I’m not like them. I want to show you all that I love do to my art in my own way.

Sunday 28 April 2019

Brave New World Chapter 18

"Now I am purified," said the Savage. "I drank some mustard and warm water."
John drank some warm water and mustard to make himself throw up, and thereby purify himself.

"Yes, we're off to-morrow," said Bernard on whose face the Savage remarked a new expression of determined resignation. "And by the way, John," he continued, leaning forward in his chair and laying a hand on the Savage's knee, "I want to say how sorry I am about everything that happened yesterday."
Bernard and Helmholtz are shocked. Still, they say goodbye: they're heading to the island the next morning. Bernard apologizes for his behavior.

"He said he wanted to go on with the experiment. But I'm damned," the Savage added, with sudden fury, "I'm damned if I'll go on being experimented with. Not for all the Controllers in the world. l shall go away to-morrow too."
John asked if he could go with them, but Mond refused. Mond wanted to continue the "experiment."

“Between Grayshott and Tongham four abandoned air-lighthouses marked the course of the old Portsmouth-to-London road.. John had received for his personal expenses, most had been spent on his equipment. Before leaving London he had bought four viscose-woollen blankets, rope and string, nails, glue, a few tools, matches (though he intended in due course to make a fire drill), some pots and pans, two dozen packets of seeds, and ten kilogrammes of wheat flour..”
Some days later, John settles away from any city, in an abandoned lighthouse. He brings a few supplies can grow a garden.

“He realized to his dismay that, absorbed in the whittling of his bow, he had forgotten what he had sworn to himself he would constantly remember–poor Linda, and his own murderous unkindness to her, and those loathsome twins, swarming like lice across the mystery of her death, insulting, with their presence, not merely his own grief and repentance, but the very gods themselves. He had sworn to remember, he had sworn unceasingly to make amends. And there was he, sitting happily over his bow-stave, singing, actually singing. …”
When he catches himself being happy, which he considers offensive to the memory of his unkindness to his mother, he whips himself.

“Half an hour later, three Delta-Minus landworkers from one of the Puttenham Bokanovsky Groups.. After the eighth, the young man interrupted his self-punishment to run to the wood's edge and there be violently sick.”
Some Deltas passing on a nearby highway see him. The next day reporters show up. The Savage abuses them verbally and physically, and soon is left in peace.

"Sweet!" and "Put your arms round me!"–in shoes and socks, perfumed. Impudent strumpet! But oh, oh, her arms round his neck, the lifting of her breasts, her mouth! Eternity was in our lips and eyes. Lenina … No, no, no, no! He sprang to his feet and, half naked as he was, ran out of the house.”
John started to have lustful thoughts for Lenina.

“From his carefully constructed hide in the wood three hundred metres away, Darwin Bonaparte, the Feely Corporation's most expert big game photographer had watched the whole proceedings.. Menacingly he advanced towards them. A woman cried out in fear. The line wavered at its most immediately threatened point, then stiffened again, stood firm. The consciousness of being in overwhelming force had given these sightseers a courage which the Savage had not expected of them.”
He whips himself more viciously than ever, and a Feelie photographer who had been hiding nearby catches the whole thing on video. This cause a massive number of sightseers come to watch the Savage. They beg him to whip himself again.

"Strumpet!" The Savage had rushed at her like a madman. "Fitchew!" Like a madman, he was slashing at her with his whip of small cords.”
Lenina steps from a helicopter behind the crowd. John rushes at her, screaming "Strumpet!" He whips her, and himself. The crowd goes into a kind of ecstasy.

"Kill it, kill it, kill it …" The Savage went on shouting.
Then suddenly somebody started singing "Orgy-porgy" and, in a moment, they had all caught up the refrain and, singing, had begun to dance. Orgy-porgy, round and round and round, beating one another in six-eight time. Orgy-porgy …
He chants "Kill it, kill it" (meaning "kill fleshy desire"), as Lenina writhes at his feet. An orgy of beating possesses the mob and becomes an orgy-porgy.

“It was after midnight when the last of the helicopters took its flight. Stupefied by soma, and exhausted by a long-drawn frenzy of sensuality, the Savage lay sleeping in the heather. The sun was already high when he awoke. He lay for a moment, blinking in owlish incomprehension at the light; then suddenly remembered–everything.
"Oh, my God, my God!" He covered his eyes with his hand.”
The next morning John wakes. He sees that the crowd has gone, but he remembers the orgy of the night before.

“Slowly, very slowly, like two unhurried compass needles, the feet turned towards the right; north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-south-west; then paused, and, after a few seconds, turned as unhurriedly back towards the left. South-south-west, south, south-east, east. …”
When new sightseers arrive the next day hoping for a repeat performance, they find that the Savage has hanged himself.

Brave New World Chapter 17

ART, SCIENCE–you seem to have paid a fairly high price for your happiness," said the Savage, when they were alone.
The Savage, alone with Mond, asks if anything else beyond art and science has to be sacrificed to happiness.

“The Savage took it. "The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments," he read aloud from the title-page.. "A whole collection of pornographic old books. God in the safe and Ford on the shelves." He pointed with a laugh to his avowed library–to the shelves of books, the rack full of reading-machine bobbins and sound-track rolls.”
Mond answers, and shows the Savage old forbidden books about God, including the Bible.

"us, the modern world. 'You can only be independent of God while you've got youth and prosperity; independence won't take you safely to the end.' Well, we've now got youth and prosperity right up to the end. What follows? Evidently, that we can be independent of God. 'The religious sentiment will compensate us for all our losses.' But there aren't any losses for us to compensate; religious sentiment is superfluous. And why should we go hunting for a substitute for youthful desires, when youthful desires never fail? A substitute for distractions, when we go on enjoying all the old fooleries to the very last? What need have we of repose when our minds and bodies continue to delight in activity? of consolation, when we have soma? of something immovable, when there is the social order?"
Mond reads from a passage written by Cardinal Newman, which argues that men move toward religion as they age, because the distractions of youth fall away.

"Call it the fault of civilization. God isn't compatible with machinery and scientific medicine and universal happiness. You must make your choice. Our civilization has chosen machinery and medicine and happiness. That's why I have to keep these books locked up in the safe. They're smut. People would be shocked it …"
“The Savage interrupted him. "But isn't it natural to feel there's a God?"
“..People believe in God because they've been conditioned to.”
Mond says that God is not compatible with machines, medicine, and universal happiness, to which the Savage responds that it's natural to believe in God. Mond disagrees. He says people were once conditioned to believe in God.

“You'd have a reason for bearing things patiently, for doing things with courage.. If you had a God, you'd have a reason for self-denial.. But chastity means passion, chastity means neurasthenia. And passion and neurasthenia mean instability. And instability means the end of civilization. You can't have a lasting civilization without plenty of pleasant vices.”
John has a belief about God that gives a reason for self-denial, chastity, and courage.

"civilization has absolutely no need of nobility or heroism.”
Mond has they about civilization towards John’s belief.

“Quite apart from God–though of course God would be a reason for it. Isn't there something in living dangerously?"
“Violent Passion Surrogate. Regularly once a month. We flood the whole system with adrenin. It's the complete physiological equivalent of fear and rage.”
The Savage asks isn't there a value to living dangerously? Mond says yes, it's biologically important. That's why they've made V.P.S. mandatory for all citizens every month. V.P.S gives all the value of real rage and sorrow, without the inconvenience.

"Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen to-morrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind." There was a long silence.
"I claim them all," said the Savage at last.
Finally, Mond asks if the Savage is claiming the right to be unhappy, to grow old and ugly. The Savage says yes.

Masterpiece Academy Final Question Essay

As learning through my masterpiece, I espoused learning in this course. In this course, I received a great deal of choice in this cour...