Self-Reliance (Summarize Reading)

Self-Reliance (Summarize Reading)

Day 1:

You aren’t worry about people from what you are because you are creating what you wanted to do. You wanted to do this because you have the freedom to do it. You don’t need confront your except to people because you have accepted yourself. We sit with our little voices all day long like laying down on the bed because the little devil shows up and whispers to you about your regrets through your day. Moses didn’t follow books, or traditions because he followed through what he wanted to do even though people thought it is impossible. Emerson said to turn that down, or put your headphones down and put your own song up. For the first paragraph, “Great works of art have no effecting lesson for us than this,” this examples for the next time you listen to a song, they catch you because you listen to the lyrics and you think that it’s great.

Firmament is the nice guy like a poets, or the night sky.

Day 2:

Abide means to accept a decision you make. Spontaneous means that you are not ready, or being unplanned. You can feel unsure about what you are doing to a good expression and you also have an another side that you are so lost what you are doing like crying. Morrow means the following day. The next following day that you will meet a stranger and when you starting to get to know that stranger, you start tell them how you felt, or opinion which can also make us feel guilty of what we do to one another from time to time.

Abide means to accept a decision you make. Spontaneous means that you are not ready, or being unplanned.

When a person is learning something, they will trapped, they want to be better at something which can be worse, they wants the this world to be fill with goodness, and don't want something softer than corn that comes from being the honor from being on the ground till now.  You have the power to create more nature whether you want to do it, or not until you are tired of it. From he second paragraph, "Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes such impression on him, and another none," examples that you can not choose more than one, or two people because you can choose everyone to do it. You can created sculpture if you make the sculpture into a better look, or advance way. The eye has the way to fall because it is the way you looked at something because you can make an expression with your eyes. People mostly shows what they do, or feel around you, but you don't actually know they feel inside of themselves. God doesn't want people to become like cowards, or people that doesn't behave right because God wants you to increase the good issues you have right now. The man should be glad that he likes gay people because you be happy how you feeling towards other people, but sometimes not everyone has the respect other men being gay which causes negativity. In the second paragraph, it says that deliverance doesn't mean delivery, but it actually means that you have to action to set something free. If you don't feel smart, or right about yourself, you can lose hope, or feel like you make something happy for yourself.

Conviction means to be guilty by becoming a criminal and go to jail. Kernel means something more softer. Nourishing means to be feeding someone for their growth. Bestowed means to have the honor to be here. Proportionate means to increase the amount you have.

You need to trust yourself from you are doing especially of what you are doing to heart because I think that the heart can stop anytime. You need to accept for the place you are living right, and connect with people. Everyone does believe that we have to accept good from living in this society because we have to go through being a dumb child and prove people that we get more smarter as we are growing up as adults and soon we have to trust people like becoming like a family because we are going to be there for them and help be stronger no matter what. People these days accept people that are great knowledge that would guide innocent people into a much safer people instead of being a coward that is always going a fight for no reason that we lead into darkness.

Reception means to listen. Contemporaries means the society where we living right now, or the present like the modern days. Predominating means to be stronger. Transcendent means to have an advance knowledge.

There are beautiful things around nature, or this environment which we surrounded by people and animals that loved us. We are different minds which can be divided a good mind and the rebel mind which creates us to have purpose, or gives us strength to do something which we don't really need to do, but those two things that we divided are also created into one mind and we can't do everything with our bodies like looking everywhere because you have to turn yourself around to actually what you want to see. Also, not everyone tells of what they do, or tell their secrets because it common that they can fake it of what they really are. We know God created are youth and go through puberty which no about having charm because that how puberty goes by. Emerson didn't want us to think that our youth has force, but I think we do have force to do whatever we want to do with our life and it's our choice. God made himself clear of how we are of where we live in our society because he knows that our seniors will being confuse at first of what we create.

Brutes means animals. Piquancy means a sharp, or spicy flavor.

Day 3:

A group of boys can sure, or present at dinner to eat, and they can get angry to themselves and they want stop themselves from being angry because they want a good attitude for the people around us. A boy can sit by himself with people not nearby him because the boy can know how the other people act of how their feeling. The boy can also find what the people have interests by having the knowledge to do it. You can get to judge from you do because if you are court, you have to choice to be guilty, or not guilty cause you will go to jail and still survive through it. Even though this man was trying to be brilliant about something which can also make people hating that man from what he did. Emerson is saying that no soul dead from this planet. The man can try to be natural from what he used to be. We want to avoid the obstacles, but we have go those obstacles again and again which can make us confused and we will survive through it. In paragraph five, it said, "He would utter opinions on all passing affairs, which being seen to be not private, but necessary, would sink like darts into the ear of men, and put them in fear," this explains that we have to go through rumors that other people that make up no matter what. The voice that you hear before all the time will go away someday and it never come back again. People make a secret plan to go against people that they don't like. Society is like stocking something of which can be more balance, or which company is better that is surrendering our culture form what we want to eat and drink. People wanted to have goodness, but self-reliance wants our reality from what we are doing, what we creating, having our names, and customs from our creations.

Nonchalance means to feel more calm, or relaxed to yourself. Disdain means to feel unworthy about yourself. Conciliate to stop someone from being angry. Parlour means a sitting room. Eloquent means to be very good at writing. Eclat means to have a brilliant effect. Lethe means a soul from the dead which is forgotten. Formidable means that you have go through fear, or respect that is powerful. Conspiracy means a secret plan created from a group of people which can harm people, or not. Virtue means showing your behavior for goodness.

Day 4:

There can be people that not confirm anything yet. They want explore what they feel about themselves and what makes them happy from what they like to do as person. Being connected with God doesn't really mean anything, but you have to be honest with your mind of what you are doing. You have to go solve through you mind like having the right to vote who you want to be your president in your country. Emerson made a deal with his adviser because he didn't want to go to church. He wonders why he needs to connect with god just by going to church and he thinks if he can live longer. In paragraph six, it said, "my friend suggested, — "But these impulses may be from below, not from above." I replied, "They do not seem to me to be such; but if I am the Devil's child, I will live then from the Devil," which explains that Emerson gets to choose from how he wants to live. Emerson thinks that there is no rule to have God to connect with you. In paragraph six, it said, "Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution, the only wrong what is against it," which explains that you needed proof, or evidence to know what is good, or bad about the situation. A man can shows an opposite from what he is doing, but he thinks he was holding that can be really his in a very short time to have. Emerson feels disappointed of how we get badges as rewards, but having a large group people living this planet can created bad organizations. As someone is giving their freedom of what they want to say so well,  needed affects than to shows more of what is right for us. Sometimes the truth can be a very rude to other people. If something you do bad can be good for you did for the people you care, is that good for you to do? If a powerful person can own a bounty just to practice to crave wood give a symbol where is comes from even though can be somewhere very far away. From what you do can be a  good way to greet someone, but at the same time it also about what you look like to others. Being good to someone can affect other, but not everyone. You can hate church from you do that makes you angry, or frustrated of loving it even though you feel weak even though it makes you cry. Emerson would like to write can be supporting with his writing and he is hoping that it's better than explaining it in one day. He doesn't want to show why cause he doesn't need people to gather around with him. Emerson doesn't think a good man with good responsibility can be more than a poor man in a good situation. Why do they have to be poor? Emerson thinks that people that giving other people money just to help them isn't right because he doesn't know those people. People have like different things of what they want to do, but Emerson  thinks that he is more poor than them because people with talent have different ways to use their talent and create something big like creating charities. People that are going to college can act like fools for their education by spending their money just to go parties at each others homes which can also cause them to lose their money from someone that needs money to someone that needs eat, or drink something. Sometimes you make yourself feel pressure, or stress yourself because you fail. You can something wrong by giving people your money which you worked for.

Sacred means to be connected with God. Integrity means to be honest. Titular means to be holding a position, or a title. Ephemeral means lasting a very short time. Institution means an organization. Malice means doing something evil. Vanity means that you feel something good of you did, or what you look like. Philanthropy means to go people money for a good causes. Abolition means to practice. Doctrine means going to church. Counteraction means being frustrated from you are doing. Pule means to be weak. Whine means to cry. Lintel means something that supports something to be together. Obligation means to have a duty, or responsibility to do something. Affinity means to feel natural of liking someone, or something. Miscellaneous means to gather different types of sources. Alm means to give money, or food to the poor people. Sot means something to drink. Succumb means make you feel pressure that you failed.

Day 5:

People think by having a good popular behavior will grow can become a rule. There are people that have a good behavior. People think that they can create a good action just to do to help people, but not as much as not there something very important to do for you life. Most of the time your to apologize to the people you live with even though it can be a tough situation. People good behavior can also create a bad punishment. His life is just being itself and it's not for someone always watching you like God. He prefer to be the lower class so we can be equal and we can make that shine for everyone being equal. He wish that people feel beautiful about themselves instead making yourself going through a diet, or cutting yourself. A man can use evidence of what he can do to his actions. You make no difference from what you do because you understand, or research from you did was good. You have the right to belong somewhere that you feel natural. You don't really need to keep a promise to my friends.

Virtue means to show very good behavior. Penance means you gets a punishment from doing something wrong. Expiate means to feel guilty. Extenuation is an action that is really guilty. Reckoned means to calculate. Intrinsic makes you belong being natural. Assurance means to keep a promise.

He is trying to do want he wants to himself. The rule about equally we have to go through something difficult that will make us tired, and we deserve between having greatness and meanness. It is harder because people that care for you will know what is best for you than you do. He think its easier to listen to other people's opinions, and we will know how to go through it our own, but the crowds want to keep our reality to be perfect and have some sweetness into it for our independence.

Arduous means doing something that is difficult and tiring.

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