Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Self-Reliance Essay

The title of "On Self-Reliance" means that you have the ability to make your choose and actions of what you want to do without other people helping you. The thesis of "On Self-Reliance" means that there is no values in life, but having personal reasons and goals, and society, or social expectations is not always connected, or equal. Emerson's tone is very close with his strong feelings by believing your reasons without others telling you what to do. Emerson's diction and syntax is giving him some thoughts and actions of what he wanted to put in this essay.
"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string," (Paragraph 4). This quote explains how his tone supports his main idea because he wanted to give us a better understanding of why it's important to follow your heart. He is also saying in this quote that you need to trust and accept yourself by doing what you want to do. Finally, this quotes means that we don't need someone to lead us to accept who we are today because we need to decide that on our own. “Else, to-morrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from another,” (Paragraph 1).  This quote means that we can also be ashamed about our opinion because you can just use somebody else opinion and you take the credit for it. Emerson's idea on these quotes can help us with life because being by yourself in society can be very difficult, and someone get can in your way to ruined your day, but you can stand up, and lead yourself to follow what you wanted to do, not somebody else.
“For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure. And therefore a man must know how to estimate a sour face. The by-standers look askance on him in the public street or in the friend's parlour. If this aversation had its origin in contempt and resistance like his own, he might well go home with a sad countenance,” (Paragraph 10). This quote explains how his diction and syntax supports that you need to be yourself. Also, this quotes means that you don't need to be ashamed of yourself of doing whatever you want to do. Finally this quote means that you don’t have to fit in shape to be beautiful and you don’t have to worry about people thinking about you, or even the way you look. “The other terror that scares us from self-trust is our consistency; a reverence for our past act or word, because the eyes of others have no other data for computing our orbit than our past acts, and we are loath to disappoint them,” (Paragraph 11). This quote tells about that you are doubting yourself because if you doubt yourself even more then, it’s going to break which means you are not trusting yourself at all. This quote also means that if you do the same thing as you used to do before you can get scared and you think that someone will judge you. How are you supposed to create more power to make yourself feel better? Emerson's idea on these quotes can help us with life because he wants to trust, or be ourselves so we can’t feel afraid of what we want to do. Even though someone judge you the way you are, ignore them because you are beautiful no matter what.

In conclusion, Emerson's main idea was supported by his tone, diction, and syntax that can help us with life today by leading yourself so you can follow from what you want to do without someone being there for you, and to not be afraid of what you want to do so you can give yourself strength of being happy the way you are.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Th Art of Hosting Good Conversation Online

It tells what the goals, or what the art does for people do online. For good online discussions, the art tells about contacting, or being connected with other people. It also tells about different kinds of host. It tells about what the host does and what does the host helps with growth with people. Finally, it tells how the host reacts, behaves, or what they need to do as a host.

Monday, 8 October 2018

Vocabulary We Need

Meme: A funny image, video, or piece of text that is copied and spread around by Internet users.

Image result for anime meme

Virus: An infection, or disease which can be painful, a code that is destroying the computer.

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Viral: Involving an image, video, or piece of information that goes widely from one Internet user to another.

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Blog: A regularly post to update a website which is run by one person, or a group of people, and also written in an informal or conversational style.

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Wiki: A collaboration with other users on a website.

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URL: An address of a world wide website.

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Website: A location to connect on the internet that have one, or more websites that is viewed world wide.

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WWW: World wide web.

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Internet: A global computer network that can be used for information and communication.

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2.0: A more updated item that works better.

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Open Source: To present a software for which the original source code is free to use.

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Masterpiece Academy Final Question Essay

As learning through my masterpiece, I espoused learning in this course. In this course, I received a great deal of choice in this cour...