Thursday, 28 March 2019

Brave New World Chapter 8 Ideas

  1. Bernard ask to John about his life and what he is going through so far because they haven’t seen each other for a while.
  2. This affect the women in the Reservation by anger, and John learned about by Linda being hurt.
  3. Popé brings Linda a drug called “mescal” and a book by Shakespeare.
  4. John feels disgusted from Popé. He acts frustrated seeing Popé with Linda when she goes to their house. I think that Popé reaction that she doesn’t care what he is feeling.
  5. Shakespeare gives allusion from this story is that John wanted to stab Popé because he hated her which he is still frustrated.
  6. I don’t really remember the experience of how John felt alone. I think it might be he never around with anyone that he feels comfortable with.
  7. John wants to know what it feels like to be crucified because he wanted to stab Popé.
  8. Bernard propose to John that he was also feeling alone, too.
  9. John reaction was feeling happy about Bernard and Lenina were not married.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

BQ Thoughts

No, I haven’t done anything recently for my big question. No, I don’t think about it when we don’t talk about it in class because I don’t think about this English, but mostly my other classes because I have so busy with them everyday.

My Online Me

When I search up myself (Abigail Ardenio), I see my last name being changed to Arsenio instead of Ardenio because not a lot of people have this last name. I don’t really think it’s accurate. This doesn’t reflect to my best self because I don’t really put anything online, or do active activities for the internet, but I guess for gaming so I can be the best it the game.

It’s My Life

We manage our choices in our lives that we can control by knowing what I want to for myself besides getting told what to do. These decisions about these thing can help me can make a more powerful and successful by making sure that I make the rights choices from what I am doing now and correcting my mistakes.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Journal: March 22 (Feed Back)

After experiencing that we can do at this very moment to forget the past and future, and focus at this very moment. You can use your two fingers on one and rub against each other and it’s only make you think about the your finger not the past and the future. While you are wearing your shoes, you just put them on the floor and try to make them feel the round which makes you not think about the past and the future. You can also inhale from your nose and exhale from your mouth because I have also experience this situation before throughout my junior high years. You can combine all those situations together which can make you feel stress at first, but you will get use to it by practicing this everyday.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Journal: March 21

Sympathy and empathy has a difference is a reader understanding, or not another person's situations and feelings.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Brave New World Chapter 7

“The dirt, to start with, the piles of rubbish, the dust, the dogs, the flies. Her face wrinkled up into a grimace of disgust. She held her handkerchief to her nose.”
The Indian guide started to smell. The Reservation is dirty, full of rubbish, dust, dogs, and flies. An old man shows what aging does to the human body when it isn't protected by conditioning and chemicals; he is toothless, wrinkled, thin, bent.
“She felt in her pocket for her soma–only to discover that.. It reminded her.. Solidarity Services and Ford's Day celebrations. "Orgy-porgy," she whispered.. There emerged from the one a painted image of an eagle, from the other that of a man, naked, and nailed to a cross..”
Lenina has left her soma. She discovers that the Indians do a dance which reminded her of a solidarity service and orgy-porgy. she sees people dancing with a man nailed to a cross. She can't understand the sense of community that runs through that kind of religion.
“The dress of the young man who now stepped out on to the terrace was Indian; but his plaited hair was straw-coloured, his eyes a pale blue, and his skin a white skin, bronzed.. said the stranger, in faultless but peculiar English.”

A man who will become the greatest threat to their world's stability and he steps into their rest-house and they see that, though raised an Indian, he has blond hair and white skin, and they hear that he speaks "faultless but peculiar English."

“You come from the Other Place.. Mad, mad and cruel. And of course they don't know anything about Malthusian Drill.. She had gone walking alone in those mountains over there to the North, had fallen down a steep place and hurt her head.. Some hunters from Malpais had found her and brought her to the pueblo.”
Bernard realize he’s the son of the Director and the woman whom the Director had brought to the Reservation calls the "Other Place.”. The woman had not died. She had arrived pregnant with the Director's child by an accident, a defect in a Malthusian belt. During her visit she had fallen and hurt her head, but she survived to give birth, and she had reached middle age. Her son had grown up in the pueblo.
“Linda and he–Linda was his mother (the word made Lenina look uncomfortable).”
The young man takes them to the little house where he lives with his mother, Linda. Lenina can barely stand to look at her, fat, sick, and stinking of alcohol. She learned from her conditioning. She pours out what she remembers in a confused burst of woe.

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Brave New World Chapter 6

"And no scent, no television, no hot water even.”
- The characters in the story took place with none of the endless, emotionless pleasures of this Utopia, a place with no running perfume, no television
“Apparently, for going walks in the Lake District; for that was what he now proposed.”
- Bernard is odd because he hates crowds and wants to be alone with her even when they aren't making love, he'd rather take a walk in England's beautiful Lake District than fly to Amsterdam and see the women's heavyweight wrestling championship, he wants to look at a stormy sea without listening to sugary music on the radio, but Most of all he's odd cause he is capable of wishing he was free rather than enslaved by his conditioning. In the end he does just what a brave new worldling should do: he leaves the choppy waters of the English channel, flies Lenina home in his helicopter, takes four tablets of soma at a gulp, and goes to bed with her.
“Perhaps he had found her too plump, after all.”
- This cause throw-away irony about Lenina body weight, Huxley makes her shallowness plainer than ever, but she still wants to go with Bernard to America to see the Savage Reservation, something that few people are allowed to do.
"Twenty years, I suppose. Nearer twenty-five. I must have been your age …"
Bernard, for all his desire to be different, is disturbed because the Director is being different: he is talking about something that happened a long time ago, which is very bad manners in this society. Bernard been with the Director 25 years ago.
“Shaking his head, "I actually dream about it sometimes,"
- Bernard still dreams about him searching for Lenina, but never finds her which means that even he has more individual feelings than the system thinks is good for you.
“People simply weren't transferred for things like that. Iceland was just a threat.”
- The Director gives Bernard a threat that he will send him to Iceland.
“Bernard and Lenina slept at Santa Fé.. At this moment, and for no apparent reason, Bernard suddenly remembered that he had left the Eau de Cologne tap in his bathroom wide open and running.. I shall ask for your transference to a Sub-Centre–preferably to Iceland.”

- Bernard and Lenina went to Santa Fé together, he left his Eau de Cologne, and Bernard told Helmholtz that he is going to Iceland.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Brave New World Chapter 5

"Phosphorus recovery," explained Henry telegraphically."
- Henry's telling Lenina that the dead are all cremated so the new world can recover the phosphorus from their bodies.

“Soma was served with the coffee. Lenina took two half-gramme tablets and Henry three.”
Both of them got high on soma and go up to Henry's room for a night of sex.

“Lenina did not forget to take all the contraceptive precautions prescribed by the regulations.”
- Lenina takes all the contraceptive precautions she learned in the Malthusian drill she performed three times a week, every week for six years of her teens because they though pregnancy is a crime.

“ALTERNATE Thursdays were Bernard's Solidarity Service days. After an early dinner at the Aphroditzeum (to which Helrnholtz had recently been elected under Rule Two) he took leave of his friend and, hailing a taxi on the roof told the man to fly to the Fordson Community Singery.”
- Bernard is in the military and he decides to go to church at Community Singery.

“The group was now complete, the solidarity circle perfect and without flaw. Man, woman, man, in a ring of endless alternation round the table. Twelve of them ready to be made one, waiting to come together, to be fused, to lose their twelve separate identities in a larger being.”
- Every solidarity service takes place in a group of twelve people, six men and six women who sit in a circle, sing twelve-stanza hymns, and take a communion of solid and liquid soma instead of wafers and wine. The participants all go into a religious frenzy- except for Bernard, who doesn't really feel the ecstasy, but pretends to.

“Orgy-porgy, Ford and fun, 
Kiss the girls and make them One.
Boys at one with girls at peace; 
Orgy-porgy gives release.”
- The group then does indeed fall "in partial disintegration" into a real orgy, though it seems to be by couples rather than group sex.

“She looked at Bernard with an expression of rapture, but of rapture in which there was no trace of agitation or excitement–for to be excited is still to be unsatisfied."
- Even that doesn't give Bernard the experience of true rapture that his partners seem to feel. Huxley underlines that this rapture is not the same as excitement, because if you're excited, you're still not satisfied. This feeling is satisfying. Bernard is miserable that he has not achieved it, and thinks the failure must have been his own fault. This scene, Huxley satirizes both religion and sex, but still shows how both serve one of the goals of the brave new world, Community.

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Brave New World Chapter 3 & 4 Notes

Chapter 3

"Strange to think that even in Our Ford's day most games were played without more apparatus than a ball or two and a few sticks and perhaps a bit of netting. imagine the folly of allowing people to play elaborate games which do nothing whatever to increase consumption. It's madness."
- This is a way to make people buy stuff.

"Polly Trotsky."
- This was a Russian last name.

"May sound incredible. But then, when you're not accustomed to history, most facts about the past do sound incredible."
- They are making children not emotions of making a sexual game since they don't have parents and staying in the lab.

"Controller! What an unexpected pleasure! Boys, what are you thinking of? This is the Controller; this is his fordship, Mustapha Mond."
- This is someone that they met that has a name.

"In the lift, on their way up to the changing rooms, Henry Foster."
- This is also, another character with a name.

"From her dim crimson cellar Lenina Crowne shot up seventeen stories, turned to the right as she stepped out of the lift, walked down a long corridor and, opening the door marked GIRLS' DRESSING-ROOM, plunged into a deafening chaos of arms and bosoms and underclothing."
- She is also another character.

"The tropical sunshine lay like warm honey on the naked bodies of children tumbling promiscuously among the hibiscus blossoms. Home was in any one of twenty palm-thatched houses."
- The word promiscuous is a word that can make you feel a connection between the real world and Brave New World, and help you decide if you would like the novel's world better than the one you live in.

"You all remember," said the Controller, in his strong deep voice, "you all remember, I suppose, that beautiful and inspired saying of Our Ford's: History is bunk. History," he repeated slowly, "is bunk."
This is an anti-intellectual quotation from Henry Ford, who believed that a person who wasted time studying history would never create anything as revolutionary as an assembly line.

"Exquisite little creature!" said the Director, looking after her. Then, turning to his students, "What I'm going to tell you now," he said, "may sound incredible. But then, when you're not accustomed to history, most facts about the past do sound incredible."
"history is bunk" for another reason: people who know history can compare the present with the past. This also cause threats.

"The world was full of fathers–was therefore full of misery; full of mothers–therefore of every kind of perversion from sadism to chastity; full of brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts–full of madness and suicide."
- Families links fathers with misery, mothers with perversion, brothers and sisters with madness and suicide.

"Our Ford–or Our Freud, as, for some inscrutable reason, he chose to call himself whenever he spoke of psychological matters–Our Freud had been the first to reveal the appalling dangers of family life."
This is another of the intellectual and serious jokes that Huxley loves to make.

- You repeat things for granted.

"Horrible; precisely," said the Controller. "Our ancestors were so stupid and short-sighted that when the first reformers came along and offered to deliver them from those horrible emotions, they wouldn't have anything to do with them."
When he asks the students if they've ever experienced a painful feeling, one says it was "horrible" when a girl made him wait nearly four weeks before going to bed with him.

"Rumbling and hissing, eighty vibro-vacuum massage machines were simultaneously kneading and sucking the firm and sunburnt flesh of eighty superb female specimens."
Through Lenina and Fanny, the mechanics of feeling good, as they turn different taps for different perfumes and use a "vibro-vacuum" for toning up skin and muscles.

“Dr. Wells advised me to have a Pregnancy Substitute."
- Women need periodic Pregnancy Substitutes- chemical pills and injections to give them the hormonal benefits that pregnancy would give their bodies.

“She could never resist Lenina's charm for long. "And what a perfectly sweet Malthusian belt!”
- One fashion item is a "Malthusian belt" loaded with contraceptives, rather like a soldier's bandolier with magazines of bullets.

“Of course he does. Trust Henry Foster to be the perfect gentleman–always correct.”
- A woman calls Henry a "perfect gentleman" because he has other girlfriends at the same time.

“In the lift, on their way up to the changing rooms, Henry Foster and the Assistant Director of Predestination rather pointedly turned their backs on Bernard Marx from the Psychology Bureau: averted themselves from that unsavoury reputation.”
- Bernard Marx is another character.

“Going to the Feelies this evening, Henry?”
- Bernard is unusual in this world because he likes to be alone, and he despises Foster for conforming to the culture of promiscuity, drugs, and "feelies"- movies that appeal not only to your eyes and ears but also to your sense of touch.

"What nonsense!"
- This is when Lenina starts to wonder about Bernard from the rumors.

Chapter 4

“THE LIFT was crowded with men from the Alpha Changing Rooms, and Lenina's entry was greeted by many friendly nods and smiles. She was a popular girl and, at one time or another, had spent a night with almost all of them.”
- This is where Bernard and Lenina met in a crowded elevator and he was embarrass.

“But whereas the physically defective Bernard had suffered all his life from the consciousness of being separate, it was only quite recently that, grown aware of his mental excess, Helmholtz Watson had also become aware of his difference from the people who surrounded him.”
- Bernard is like an individual person from someone you get to know of.

“To have dealings with members of the lower castes was always, for Bernard, a most distressing experience. For whatever the cause (and the current gossip about the alcohol in his blood-surrogate may very likely–for accidents will happen–have been true) Bernard's physique was hardly better than that of the average Gamma.”
- By accident, Bernard is small for an Alpha. This makes it hard for him to deal with members of lower castes, who are as small as he is, but by design. This is quote is also like slavery.

- This is Bernard’s friend in this story.

“This admirable committee man and best mixer had realized quite suddenly that sport, women, communal activities were only, so far as he was concerned, second bests. Really, and at the bottom, he was interested in something else. But in what? In what? That was the problem which Bernard had come to discuss with him–or rather, since it was always Helmholtz who did all the talking, to listen to his friend discussing, yet once more.”
- He is different not because he is short and feels inadequate, but because he is a mental giant. He is successful in sports, sex, and community activities- all the activities in which Bernard feels he is a failure. But Helmholtz is still not happy because he knows he is capable of writing something beautiful and powerful, rather than the nonsense that he has to write for the press or the feelies.

"I suppose I've got things on my nerves a bit. When people are suspicious with you, you start being suspicious with them."
- Bernard got suspicious from someone watching him and Helmholtz talking to each other.

- Example can be aphlas and betas

“Benito Hoover”
- Huxley came up with this name during the war.

“Mental excess could produce, for its own purposes, the voluntary blindness and deafness of deliberate solitude, the artificial impotence of asceticism.”
- Bernard separates himself from others.

“Helmholtz shook his head. "Not quite. I'm thinking of a queer feeling I sometimes get, a feeling that I've got something important to say and the power to say it–only I don't know what it is, and I can't make any use of the power.”
- Helmholtz started to have a weird, or uncomfortable feeling.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Brave New World Chapter 2 Notes

"They hurried out of the room and returned in a minute or two, each pushing a kind of tall dumb-waiter laden, on all its four wire-netted shelves, with eight-month-old babies, all exactly alike (a Bokanovsky Group, it was evident) and all (since their caste was Delta) dressed in khaki."
The Director shows the students how Delta infants, color-coded in khaki clothes, crawl naturally toward picture books and real flowers, only to be terrorized by the noises of explosions, bells, and sirens and then traumatized by electric shock.

"Turned, the babies at once fell silent, then began to crawl towards those clusters of sleek colours, those shapes so gay and brilliant on the white pages. As they approached, the sun came out of a momentary eclipse behind a cloud. The roses flamed up as though with a sudden passion from within; a new and profound significance seemed to suffuse the shining pages of the books. From the ranks of the crawling babies came little squeals of excitement, gurgles and twitterings of pleasure."
The babies learn to associate books and flowers with those painful experiences, and turn away from them.

"Patiently the D.H.C. explained. If the children were made to scream at the sight of a rose, that was on grounds of high economic policy. Not so very long ago (a century or thereabouts), Gammas, Deltas, even Epsilons, had been conditioned to like flowers–flowers in particular and wild nature in general. The idea was to make them want to be going out into the country at every available opportunity, and so compel them to consume transport"
 The reason for making them dislike flowers is economic. If, as adults, they traveled to the country, they would "consume transport." Here Huxley makes fun of the way some economists use the word "consume."

"It was decided to abolish the love of nature, at any rate among the lower classes; to abolish the love of nature, but not the tendency to consume transport. For of course it was essential that they should keep on going to the country, even though they hated it."
He means that when they travel to the country, people use cars, trains, or helicopters. Thus, "consuming transport" is good for an economy that sells transport services and makes vehicles. But if they only went to enjoy nature, they would "consume" nothing else. 

"But simultaneously we condition them to love all country sports. At the same time, we see to it that all country sports shall entail the use of elaborate apparatus. So that they consume manufactured articles as well as transport. Hence those electric shocks."
Instead, they are conditioned to dislike nature and love sports, which have been redesigned to involve elaborate mechanical and electronic equipment. They therefore "consume" transport in traveling to the country to "consume" sports equipment.

"The case of Little Reuben occurred only twenty-three years after Our Ford's first T-Model was put on the market." (Here the Director made a sign of the T on his stomach and all the students reverently followed suit.) "And yet …" Furiously the students scribbled. "Hypnopædia, first used officially in A.F. 214. Why not before? Two reasons. (a) …"
- The Director gives you your first clue to this world's religion: the phrase "Our Ford," obviously used as religious people in the real world might say "Our Lord." You learn that the calendar year is no longer A. D. (Anno Domini, the year of our Lord) but A. F., After Ford. Instead of making the sign of the cross, the Director makes the sign of the T, from the Model T Ford.

"the parents were the father and the mother." The smut that was really science fell with a crash into the boys' eye-avoiding silence. "Mother," he repeated loudly rubbing in the science; and, leaning back in his chair, "These," he said gravely, "are unpleasant facts; I know it. But then most historical facts are unpleasant."
The Director tells the students it was discovered accidentally hundreds of years earlier by a little Polish boy who lived with his "father" and "mother," two words that hit the students' ears with much more force than obscene words hit your ears today. That's how the students feel when the Director utters those unmentionable words.

"While the child was asleep, a broadcast programme from London suddenly started to come through; and the next morning, to the astonishment of his crash and crash (the more daring of the boys ventured to grin at one another), Little Reuben woke up repeating word for word a long lecture by that curious old writer ("one of the very few whose works have been permitted to come down to us"), George Bernard Shaw, who was speaking, according to a well-authenticated tradition, about his own genius. To Little Reuben's wink and snigger, this lecture was, of course, perfectly incomprehensible and, imagining that their child had suddenly gone mad, they sent for a doctor. He, fortunately, understood English, recognized the discourse as that which Shaw had broadcasted the previous evening, realized the significance of what had happened, and sent a letter to the medical press about it."
 Little Reuben Rabinovitch discoveredby hearing in his sleep a broadcast by George Bernard Shaw, the British dramatist, and sleep-learning it by heart though he knew no English. Shaw thought himself a genius both as playwright and political thinker, as did many of his followers. Huxley makes a little joke at the expense of people who claim to recognize genius but really know no more about it than a sleeping child who can't speak the language it's expressed in.

"Whereas, if they'd only started on moral education," said the Director, leading the way towards the door. The students followed him, desperately scribbling as they walked and all the way up in the lift. "Moral education, which ought never, in any circumstances, to be rational."
The Director goes on to explain that hypnopaedia doesn't work for teaching facts or analysis. It works only for "moral education," which here means conditioning people's behavior by verbal suggestion when their psychological resistance is low- by repeated messages about what's good or bad, in words that require no intellectual activity but can be digested by a sleeping brain.

"Alpha children wear grey They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able …"
They learn to love being Betas, to respect Alphas and to be glad they're not Gammas, Deltas, or Epsilons, each more stupid than the preceding. 

"I'm really awfully glad I'm a Beta, because …"Not so much like drops of water, though water, it is true, can wear holes in the hardest granite; rather, drops of liquid sealing-wax, drops that adhere, incrust, incorporate themselves with what they fall on, till finally the rock is all one scarlet blob"
- The Betas learn to love the system and their place in it. The lesson, repeated 120 times in each of three sessions a week for 30 months, seals them into that place. Huxley likens it to drops of liquid sealing wax, which the English upper classes used to seal envelopes, placing a drop of wax on the edge of the flap and pressing a design into it as the wax hardened. The envelope couldn't be opened without showing a break in the wax. Sealing wax is seen infrequently in the U.S. today, but if you imagine a candle dripping endlessly, you will understand the effect.

Brave New Conversation

Chapter 1

"They could make sure of at least a hundred and fifty mature eggs within two years. Fertilize and bokanovskify–in other words, multiply by seventy-two–and you get an average of nearly eleven thousand brothers and sisters in a hundred and fifty batches of identical twins, all within two years of the same age"
This quote is like children being born everyday because parents want to make sure they have the right child so they can grow from what they want to be.

Chapter 2

"Our Ford–or Our Freud, as, for some inscrutable reason, he chose to call himself whenever he spoke of psychological matters–Our Freud had been the first to reveal the appalling dangers of family life. The world was full of fathers–was therefore full of misery; full of mothers–therefore of every kind of perversion from sadism to chastity; full of brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts–full of madness and suicide."
This quote is like saying the word "God", but they are using the word "Ford"

"Alpha children wear grey They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able …"
This quote is like high school students today talking about A PUSH (AP) classes by saying that some don't want to take AP classes because they don't want to stress out from what AP students are going through.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019


The similarities and difference that I see between in my life during high school and life after high school is that I am still working hard achieving my goals (similarities) and making sure that I make the right choices to do in my life (differences). Yes, there is a significant difference. After graduation, I think people will take their current habits of their mind, word, or deed into their next set of daily activities. I would balance my things of want to do, or need to do of what my expectations of myself and the world around me as I move on is making a schedule for myself each day of what I want, or need to do for myself and my process.

We Are Living In The Brave New World Notes

Well, I don't think you can say who in the United States. I don't they're any sinister persons deliberately trying to rob people their freedom but I do think. First of all, I think a number of imperial forces which are pushing in the direction of less and less freedom... there are devices pushing away from freedom which can be that they are more focus, very important to other countries which can cause overpopulation (Think cause him to think this is an extraordinary thing which that that happened that never had happened in history before). This is a simple from the birth of Christ and the Mayflower which cause the earth population keep growing.

Harrison Brown is an example who give out that in the underdeveloped countries is the stranded of living which cause people to fall in the present which cause to have less goods to have than many years ago.. economic position has become more precarious which they need to take more responsibility.. this cause a pattern pushing more strongly towards a totalitarian.. The only high party is the Communist Party which they might be unfortunate that they will step into the power position of power.

We have done is to practice death in a most intensive without balancing this with the birth control.. birth rates remain as high as they wear and death have fallen.

Hitler has used advance high technology from the use of battle. People shouldn't be surprise about their our technology which cause the change of social condition and make people didn't feel like they want to do something. TV cause to much distraction.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Brave New Word Chapter 1 Notes

"A SQUAT grey building of only thirty-four stories."
- Making us think that this building is short and fat while the other buildings are tall and strong.

"in a shield, the World State's motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY"
- This place has protection of what we are facing in this world.

"a harsh thin light glared through the windows"
- This used tone, or image of what is happening in the story.

- This means that a person is being focus on what they are doing.

"Not philosophers but fret-sawyers and stamp collectors compose the backbone of society."
- He thinks that thinkers are not important, but they use their brain to see whats happening in the story.

"A. F. 632"
- ???

"the Alphas and Betas remained until definitely bottled; while the Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons"
- They are going to play a role of what is happening in society.

"But one of the students was fool enough to ask where the advantage lay. "My good boy!" The Director wheeled sharply round on him. "Can't you see? Can't you see?" He raised a hand; his expression was solemn. "Bokanovsky's Process is one of the major instruments of social stability!"
- This is a science fiction and this quote can make you feel embarrass and dumb around other people.

- This means that you are being used as a liquid, or chemical.

"They could make sure of at least a hundred and fifty mature eggs within two years. Fertilize and bokanovskify–in other words, multiply by seventy-two–and you get an average of nearly eleven thousand brothers and sisters in a hundred and fifty batches of identical twins, all within two years of the same age"
- This tell about the mass production of humans are creating about eleven thousand "twins" that are identical, but as individual which it continues to grow and grow.

- This means about the female fetsus.

- This means the class, rank, or level.

"The surrogate goes round slower; therefore passes through the lung at longer intervals; therefore gives the embryo less oxygen. Nothing like oxygen-shortage for keeping an embryo below par."
- This quote is telling us that fesuses are getting tested from their lungs and they called the female fetsus's embryos, too.

"Later on their minds would be made to endorse the judgment of their bodies. "We condition them to thrive on heat," concluded Mr. Foster. "Our colleagues upstairs will teach them to love it."
- They tested out the fetsus of their temperature heat

"Director sententiously, "that is the secret of happiness and virtue–liking what you've got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny."
- The director excepts them as an unescapable social destiny.

"Oh, the usual typhoid and sleeping sickness." "Tropical workers start being inoculated at Metre 150," Mr. Foster explained to the students. "The embryos still have gills. We immunize the fish against the future man's diseases." Then, turning back to Lenina, "Ten to five on the roof this afternoon," he said, "as usual." "Charming," said the Director once more, and, with a final pat, moved away after the others."
- They introduce Lenina and she explains the sleeping sickness and the director finds it charming.

Masterpiece Academy Final Question Essay

As learning through my masterpiece, I espoused learning in this course. In this course, I received a great deal of choice in this cour...